Various nuggets of interest in this survey of Gen Z and millennials

      249 months ago

      fuck you for continuing this narrative that violence against people you don’t like is ok.

      When did they say or imply this?

        -199 months ago

        You said you argued with your friend about Ngo being attacked but not being the victim. Come on, it’s not like your comment was 100 pages long.

          9 months ago

          They were probably using definition 2 from Merriam-Webster.

          attack verb at·tack ə-ˈtak attacked; attacking; attacks

          transitive verb

          1 : to set upon or work against forcefully attack an enemy fortification

          2 : to assail with unfriendly or bitter words a politician verbally attacked by critics

          3 : to begin to affect or to act on injuriously plants attacked by aphids


          a : to set to work on attack a problem

          b : to begin to eat (food) eagerly At the table he attacked his meal with such singleminded ferocity as to be, as Boswell put it, disgusting to those whose sensations were delicate.— Donald R. DeGlopper

          5 chess : to threaten (a piece) with immediate capture

            -89 months ago

            Bullshit, by this definition every journalist is under attack. Ngo was famously attacked in public with a concrete “milkshake” for supposedly being a nazi. There are people on Lemmy in other forums defending this. There is no confusion here, so don’t sow it.

            • Grant_M
              59 months ago

              Ngo isn’t a journalist. He’s a Nazi.

              59 months ago

              There, famously, were never any concrete milkshakes when he HAD A VEGAN MILKSHAKE POURED ON HIM FROM CLOSER UP. In the video, the empty cup softly bounces to the ground. Look at the pictures. He’s wet with milkshake. His lawsuit that he lost didn’t include it. He sued a bunch of random people for picking on him. But every lawsuit was either dropped or he lost. The only money he got was from 3 people who didn’t show up to trial, so the law says they had to pay some of the lawyer fees ONLY because they didn’t show up.

              One person punched him. That was wrong. One of the people he sued said she yelled and berated him (never touched him) because she’d had friends attacked and the assailants were spouting Ngo lies they’d seen on social media.

              You’re being lied to. Willingly. Don’t let that happen.

            59 months ago

            He liked to hide in antifa crowds and they’d catch him and yell and him and pour food on him. One time he got punched and had a milkshake poured on him. Some MAGA cop got interviewed and said that he’d heard about people in other places putting cement in milkshakes. That was the time he’s referring to. He and right wing media made up a bunch of exaggerated bullshit lies to make that whiney baby into a martyr.

            • SatansMaggotyCumFart
              19 months ago

              Yeah I just saw articles about Ngo charging and suing people but everything being found to be baseless accusations.

              Understandable why the right wingers would like him.

            • SatansMaggotyCumFart
              19 months ago

              Thanks for the source.

              So the two that showed up were found not liable and the three that didn’t were found liable?

              How come in the article and headline it’s referred to as ‘alleged assault’?

      79 months ago

      fuck you for continuing this narrative that violence against people you don’t like is ok.

      They never said this.

      I’m sure you’ll retort with him associating with fascists or providing kill lists (which is bullshit if you look into it) or being a “stochastic terrorist” (what the fuck even is that).

      They never said this, and you’re REALLY gonna want to learn what stochastic terrorism is if you want to join intelligent conversation about modern politics.

      It’s insane to me that your argument against Rogan is about not supporting anarchist guerilla warfare.

      They never said this.

        9 months ago

        It’s clear from their comment that they are referring to the well known physically violent attack against Ngo, and that they are claiming that Ngo is not the victim here. It’s not theoretical astrophysics, read the comment again. What’s with the abject denialism here?

        Regarding your other comments, I know what that means, I was just preemptively calling out potential BS responses, because they were used multiple times before on this very Lemmy instance by others defending the violence against Ngo.

        9 months ago

        I left reddit because all of the brain dead right wing trumper zombies that toe the line, only to find the left wing equivalents here. Fuck politics as a team sport. Literally no difference between either side other than the team color

        • bermuda
          9 months ago

          Being argumentative is only going to help contribute into making lemmy another reddit. Many, many of us left reddit to escape these vitriolic violent comment threads that were so pervasive on the platform. It’s obvious that you’re passionate about your beliefs and I’m not trying to tell you to stop being passionate, but I don’t think really anybody enjoys seeing this platform becoming like that one.

            9 months ago

            I’m arguing AGAINST violence. I’m a pacifist. And I’m tired of being called right wing or fascist everytime I argue for pacificism, when I couldn’t be any further from the right wing. It’s insanity. Have you said anything to the violence supporters in this thread?

            • bermuda
              29 months ago

              I could your insults violent as a metaphor. Calling somebody a dumbfuck doesn’t solve anything and, like I said, helps contribute to this space becoming like reddit was at its worst.

              Have you said anything to the violence supporters in this thread?

              No and it’s pretty clear to me that you simply don’t understand why. The people that you think are “violence supporters” are at least talking in the thread like normal rational people. It’s perfectly okay to not like people! What’s not okay is acting like a five year old and having a meltdown over what you perceive that they support, as well as insulting them multiple times. You seriously need to take a step back and see that you are the problem in this thread. You might not like what the person you were responding to said, but at least they said it like a grown adult.

              This conversation is over and you’re being blocked because I think it’s pretty clear that your comments aren’t contributing anything of value to this website. Come back when you’re able to talk to other people without sounding drunk.

        • Dangdoggo
          19 months ago

          I mean nobody should have thrown shit at Ngo but do I feel bad about it? Fuck no.

          19 months ago

          Well, one side talks about violence, and the other side both talks about and commits violence. Getting upset when leftists let off some steam and concluding that “both sides are the same” is a really smooth-brained take.

          People who think that both sides are equal are routinely mocked for a reason.

    • TinyPizza
      19 months ago

      Get all the way fucked? Besides having a completely hypothetical conversation on my behalf, with me supposedly wishing violence on people (didn’t, don’t, but also fuck around and find out); you so completely fail to divine the reasoning to my words that its beyond laughable. He isn’t a journalist. He’s a propagandist. He isn’t there to present the facts, he’s there to produce a narrative.

      He’s a journalist in the same way James O’keefe is and FOX News* has to be news/entertainment. A perfect example was how he was fired by PSU Vanguard prior to his shadowing patriot prayer during a premeditated assault or getting hit with a milkshake. From his Wikipedia page

      the Vanguard’s editor, Colleen Leary, fired Ngo and stated that he was dismissed because his summary of the Muslim student’s remarks reflected a reckless oversimplification and violation of journalistic ethics, and was meant to incite a reaction.[1] She said that the dismissal was “not partisan”.[1]

      So yeah, in my opinion he doesn’t deserve the same protections afforded to legitimate journalists. We can debate what journalist means in the internet age, but he ain’t it. As to him getting hit with a milkshake, it was just a milkshake, and you reveal yourself when you felt the need to put that in quotations. Nobody shows up to a demonstration with quickcrete to mix into the nearest available milkshake. People just throw bottles, or rocks or bricks if they want to hit someone with something hard. If he was targeted for Christofascist affiliations, I’m not defending that violence, but that’s also where fuck around and find out comes in. Also from his Wikipedia page:

      He reported being punched and blasted with bear spray while filming two separate May Day events, including a brawl between left-wing activists and members of Patriot Prayer, outside the Cider Riot pub.[44] Bellingcat stated that Ngo’s tweets framed the brawl as an unprovoked assault by anti-fascists.[45] Prior to the fight, Ngo was filmed standing in the presence of members of Patriot Prayer as they planned an attack on antifascists following the protests.[13][46] Ngo did not report on the actions of Patriot Prayer.[45] Five members of Patriot Prayer were charged with felony riot incitement for their actions on May Day 2019, including the group’s leader Joey Gibson.[47]

      Again, he’s a propagandist that either got hit with a precision guided milkshake in a retribution shaking or more likely, randomly just got hit with a dessert like the clown he is. Violence begets violence, and approving or not this cycle will continue on until people more rational than us come to pass. You hold no benevolent middle ground here and instead of venting your misguided bullshit on internet people why don’t you go pay someone to listen to this nonsensical garbage. Honk your red nose, get in that tiny clown car and fuck all the way off you brain rotted simp.