Image transcription: a soyjak with a head warped into an almost spoon-like shape. He has text on his T-shirt that reads: “I love Taoism But I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER drink mercury to unlock the alchemical secrets to immortality”. The image has a watermark, which is illegible except for an anatomical figure seated in a lotus pose. End transcription.

  • Chimp
    59 months ago

    Also I have no idea what Taoism is could someone explain

      209 months ago

      It’s a Chinese belief system based on living through harmony and simplicity. It usually means “going with the flow” and being chill while respecting nature and living beings.

      119 months ago

      “Taoism or Daoism (/ˈtaʊɪzəm/ ⓘ or /ˈdaʊɪzəm/ ⓘ) is a diverse tradition indigenous to China, variously characterized as both a philosophy and a religion. Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with what is known as the Tao—generally understood as being the impersonal, enigmatic process of transformation ultimately underlying reality.” - Wikipedia