This is the Daystrom Institute Episode Analysis thread for Strange New Worlds 2x01 The Broken Circle.

Now that we’ve had a few days to digest the content of the latest episode, this thread is a place to dig a little deeper.

    31 year ago

    Strange New Worlds continues to fit the Trek mold better than Discovery for me. Not that Discovery is bad, it’s just different- more cinematic, less good at showing off its supporting cast. It works and it’s good, but it just doesn’t feel as much like Star Trek to me

    There were some elements of the story I found a little odd. I appreciate the nod to Star Trek III with Spock stealing the Enterprise, but it felt a little out of character for him

    I think the new Klingon design is quite good, and holy cow the practical effects for them are incredible! Very reminiscent of 90s Trek Klingons with a hint of the look of Discovery Klingons. I wonder if we’ll see a canon explanation for why the TOS klingons largely don’t have the ridges beyond Worf’s “we don’t talk about it”

    Pelia! Oh man I am so stoked to see more of her. What a cool character. I wish they had introduced her a little earlier, so we would already know she’s the chief inspector when she saunters onto the bridge, but I loved how she saw through their ruse instantly, and then invited herself to join their mission. Such a badass