i’m sure my icon speaks for itself here, but i’ve definitely seen a few of you skittering about in some of our threads. show yourselves at once! maybe post your fursona even (if it’s safe for work)

  • alyaza [they/she]OPM
    311 months ago

    there does seem to be a dearth of them around here and a lot of that probably has to do with the explosion of the mastodon instance snouts.online a few years back and a generally bad experience with mastodon many furries (at least in my circles) had back around 2019-2020

      • alyaza [they/she]OPM
        411 months ago

        it’s been years now but just the generally, for lack of better term, “wokescold”-y or “shitlib”-y vibe of mastodon did a lot of that. the community felt extremely overbearing at times with content warnings and social norms, in a way that especially didn’t vibe with groups that are repressed and want to talk about those experiences. a lot of it was of course just technically confusing for some people, as was trying to leverage network effects to stick with your friends. some people–artists especially–had specific needs that were hard to meet with migration. and the whole process in general was haphazard and over time as people settled inevitably mastodon politics also got in the way of it, what with defederation being an option and all.

        eventually i think it just burned a lot of people out on the platform in a way that has really precluded swathes of the furry community from setting up shop on another federated place, to avoid something like that happening again.

        • ATGM 🚀
          211 months ago

          Gotcha. I remember the content warnings being a bit odd on there. Perhaps on a future platform or platform iteration, CW’s can be a built-in feature perhaps by tag. Then users could opt or in to those contents, or cover it with warnings before display.

    • wispikat
      211 months ago

      mmmmm that does ring some bells. i hadn’t really delved into it at the time, and i’d heard tales of drama… (which might be the reason for the former!)