• CleoTheWizard
    89 months ago

    No. It’s an open secret kind of deal that most online advertisements don’t actually sell or do anything. In fact, a large amount of google views are bots.

    How? Because there’s nothing stopping thousands of apps from using the ads incorrectly and showing them to phones or accounts or users that aren’t real people. At least with iOS, it’s very hard to run instances on servers or bot clients. Meanwhile, android can run on windows. Exploits galore.

    But, no one cares. The companies are told to spend more on advertisement. The ad department of the company has a budget, they don’t care where it’s spent. So they buy ads from google and they don’t care who they get shown to 90% of the time. Everyone wins except the company but the company doesn’t care because they’re already making money.

    Not to mention that the average consumer is shown thousands of ads a day. The more they see the less they notice the ads.

    Basically ads are just designed to waste time for everyone. Truth social ads just lead to more installs by people already looking for their garbage app.

    • @trailing9@lemmy.ml
      49 months ago

      Companies don’t care because it’s equal for everybody. If fake views would be removed, fees per thousand clicks would just increase.

      But companies wouldn’t waste money. If you offer more real viewers for the same price, companies would switch.