Hi yall after being on disability income for years and job searching for months I finally got to step two of the job search process: a job interview.

I am wondering if anyone had any tips for the job interview process? I am very nervous.

  • avividtale
    11 year ago

    So, one of my favorite questions for interviews is something like this:

    “What are the top 3 things you would want any new person walking in the door to know?”

    If they ask you to elaborate, you can explain this is a deliberately broad question meant to catch the kinds of important, organization specific things someone might not think to ask. It could be anything from “When the boss has his door closed it means he’s working on a key project, don’t knock just come back later” or “Never drink the coffee on Monday mornings.” It could also be: “A,B, and C are serious priorities for Management eventually.”

    This sometimes catches people off guard (which is not a bad sign), but it can often yield good information.

    Congrats and best of luck to you!