Hi yall after being on disability income for years and job searching for months I finally got to step two of the job search process: a job interview.

I am wondering if anyone had any tips for the job interview process? I am very nervous.

  • ReallyKinda
    1 year ago

    Great job scoring an interview! Having worked in HR plus had a couple jobs, here’s my advice:

    1. look at the tasks you’ll be completing if you get the job and think about any experience you have that would help demonstrate that you’re experienced and able to do that thing. Think outside the box! Your examples don’t need to come from the workplace if you use clear reasoning. Interviewers love examples.

    2. Pull a sample interview of common questions offline and write down how you’d respond to each question.

    3. Don’t take things personally if things don’t go well. There are SO many reasons that you might not get a position that have absolutely nothing to do with you. One big one is that companies often already have someone internal in mind but have to meet certain job posting requirements. Just keep trekking and the chips will fall your way eventually.