What is YOUR favorite species? Leave a comment~ w

  • @HarleyAnzuckOP
    19 months ago

    I swear to fucking god I forgot about chewbacca 💀 And didn’t know about Bothans much tbh, but aliens still feel like a different catrgory for me.

    As for servals Idk, I think they’re cool but I just don’t like them very much personally, don’t take it too seriously tho, my sona is a fox and I ranked it F anyways.

    • Sloan the Serval
      19 months ago

      Even if the alien is straight-up an anthropomorphic animal, like a Caitian from Star Trek?

      • @HarleyAnzuckOP
        19 months ago

        Yeah cuz, like of course it’s a furry, but just because it’s an anthro cat. Not all aliens are furries and not all furries are aliens.

        • Sloan the Serval
          29 months ago

          Not all aliens are furries and not all furries are aliens.

          My point is that the inverse is true as well - some aliens can be furries and some furries are aliens. It’s just a matter of whether the particular species has animalistic traits or not.