• @Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Does anyone else run updates and watch the screen like you’re some movie hacker?

    Then when it’s finish, you crack your knuckles and go, “It’s about time. 😎” but all you do is open Firefox and look at some boring website for two hours?

    • redimk
      849 months ago

      This reminds me the other day I was in my house stressed because I couldn’t install Cyberpunk 2077 on Fedora (I’m new to Linux so I don’t know much and I had been distro hopping).

      My MIL was in the house and she saw my screen filled with open terminals, documentation, lutris, wine, everything you can imagine open because I had no idea how to solve a stupid issue.

      I heard her tell my wife “wow he must be pretty busy, he must be doig something really important and it’s so impressive that he can read code like that I didn’t know he could do that”

      All I wanted to do was to play some damn game bro…