As lawmakers around the world weigh bans of 'forever chemicals,” many manufacturers are pushing back, saying there often is no substitute.

    • deaf_fish
      11 months ago

      Criticizing capitalism doesn’t imply communism or socialism. You can just criticize capitalism without suggesting an alternative.

      Your jump to communism It’s like saying “I guess I have to kill myself, because some parts of life are hard.” There are other directions one could take.

        -611 months ago

        Reread my comment. Nowhere did I mention communism but rather countries claiming to be so. I would argue they aren’t communist at all, only state capitalist but that’s a tiring discussion to have.

        It was not in defence of capitalism but rather to ammend the criticism to include countries pretending to be not capitalist.

        I can see how my one-sentence-wording fails to get this point across though and looks like your average “bUt cOmmUniSM bAd” comment whenever capitalism is mentioned.

        • deaf_fish
          411 months ago

          Ok, but why bring up either communism or countries claiming to be communist? Going up on this thread, I don’t see any references to it. Did I miss something?

            11 months ago

            The comment made me look up which nations banned asbestos and also which didn’t.

            Obviously the US hasn’t - what a surprise - unlike the majority of developed nations who have outlawed it.

            Then I was curious about whether former “communist” countries banned asbestos. After all, capitalist businesses - mentioned in the comment - didn’t quite exist in those, everything was state-owned. The entire profit motive was gone.

            And with the exception of individual products containing asbestos, such as sprayed asbestos being banned in the GDR a century before its capitalist counterpart, none of them implemented a general ban. From quick research, the first general bans started appearing in the early 90s.

            Since these nations regularly tout(ed) themselves as being far more “progressive” than capitalistic one’s I felt it necessary to highlight this discrepancy.

            So that’s roughly the reason I made the original comment. Although looking back it seems tangentially related to the original at best.

            • deaf_fish
              411 months ago

              So you do associate anti-capitalism with communism. That means my original criticism of your post was valid.

              I don’t hold it against you. Usually, the next thing out of someones mouth after they criticize capitalism is communism or socialism. It’s pretty easy to make that leap.

                -111 months ago

                Yes, I do associate communism with anti-capitalism.

                I consider it to be only a subset of anti-capitalism though, making up a portion but not all of it.

                I guess what I intended to say was: The criticism of OP can be applied to every country on the globe, regardless of whether they consider themselves capitalist or not.