Oh the money I could make if I didn’t have morals. It turns out some people really are that dumb.

  • FunkyMonk
    58 months ago

    No, Sir, I said he is NO PRESIDENT, now we good?! Cuz Ima need to see AMERICAN DOLLARS for direct deposit.

    • @SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml
      118 months ago

      I’m from Vancouver, Canada. Waaaaaay back, the Canadian dollar was up on the American, and the local classic rock dj called a Walmart in Texas to ask if he could buy a bbq with Canadian dollars. The lady on the line’s response was basically this. I think I remember it verbatim, but I could be off a bit:

      Honey, we only take American dollars here…so why don’t you go back to Canadia and exchange your fake money for real ones, come on back and you can get a bbq.