• spaceghotiOP
      1108 months ago

      The Narcissist’s Prayer:

      “That didn’t happen.
      And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
      And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
      And if it is, that’s not my fault.
      And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
      And if I did, you deserved it.”

      • WashedOver
        128 months ago

        PS I never knew them, they aren’t my type, and they aren’t pretty enough.

      • Shake747
        -1018 months ago

        Hah, yeah. That prayer reminds me of Trudeau too

        • @Donjuanme@lemmy.world
          388 months ago

          Didn’t realize Canada had a GoP that was lead by… The guy most Americans would firing squad as a socialist if he were elected to anything including school board Rep.

          • Shake747
            -558 months ago

            You didn’t see any of the SNC lavalin stuff did you?

            What about his black face costume?

            How about the law to make social media companies pay news outlets for having their articles shared on those platforms, then producing radio ads saying “meta and google are blocking your news!!”

            How about freezing the bank accounts of nonviolent protestors and anyone who supported them

            He shrugs all of that off, and goes by that narcissistic prayer. I’m not sure why anyone is defending this guy lol, is it just because he’s affiliated with the liberal party?

            He just recently had to pull back his over priced carbon tax because we’re all too broke. This plan literally only hurts the poor classes.

            god forbid we stop this left vs right nonsense and come together

            • @MrSpArkle@lemmy.ca
              8 months ago

              He froze the bank accounts of the freedom convoy because the fundraiser was organized by a white supremicist and someone who wants western Canada to secede. Like literal racist traitors. They arrested members of diagalon during that time, who had staged weapons near coutts.

              But Trudeau wore a shitty costume one time so samesies.

              We can’t stop this “right vs left nonsense” because the right is trying to exclude from society anyone who isn’t a straight Christian, and are gathering momentum so quickly and deftly people like you don’t even see it because of how removed from reality the right wing information ecosystems are.

              • Shake747
                -298 months ago

                Tamara lich/Chris Barber are white supremacists? How’d you come to that conclusion? Or are you confusing 2 different groups?

                Yes you’re right about those politicians on the right trying to exclude people - the Christian nationalists in the US are horrible, so much for separation from state and church

                  • Shake747
                    -268 months ago

                    Do you have any evidence of this outside of third hand anecdotal hear say? Or is it just the talking heads that push this?

                    If you do, I’ll stand corrected

                • @MrSpArkle@lemmy.ca
                  168 months ago

                  Pat King was the biggest leader of the convoy, he is for sure a white supremicist per his own recorded words.

                  And why let Tamara collect money to basically fund a civil war?

                  • Shake747
                    -178 months ago

                    In the Canadian govs eyes, he’s not the leader.

                    Tamara and Chris are in court right now for charges about leading the convoy.

                    You let protestors, protest. Especially when it’s not violent. The only injuries sustained in this protest were given to an old lady vs a police horse. You can’t just throw the money on the street - someone has to organize it.

                    Why do you want the government to have so much control?

            • @S_204@lemmy.world
              128 months ago

              We’ll never come together when morons like you believe the lies PP and rebel news is feeding you. By the looks of it, you’ve got a subscription to the Conservative Propaganda Newsletter and swallowed it whole.

              • Shake747
                -88 months ago

                I’ve never supported or mentioned PP, I’m not sure where you’re drawing that from.

                The dudes a career politician - that’s not far from being a salesperson your whole life. It’s debatable which is worse though, a career politician or a trust fund drama teacher lol

                Don’t resort to name calling though, makes you seem unintelligent

                • @S_204@lemmy.world
                  08 months ago

                  You don’t have to say his name when his jizz is dripping from your chin. You’re working from his playbook which is Harper’s hand book but if you’re not smart enough to understand who’s manipulated into your retarded pigeon hole, I am not surprised.

                  Name calling isn’t what makes someone unintelligent. Supporting bigoted regressive policies, along with supporting the anti science movement is what exposes people as unintelligent.

        • @the_q@lemmy.world
          158 months ago

          It’s sad Canada has such a large group of morons. Like, yeah you guys have problems, but the Trump-lite crowd are just stupid to be stupid.

        • Kbin_space_program
          138 months ago

          You mean Harper and Poilievre. They’re the ones who put the lives of millions of Canadians at risk so their developer buddies could benefit.

          Also the time they literally siphoned off the G20 meeting’s security budget for personal pet projects.

          • Shake747
            -168 months ago

            Might be a nice change of pace, he’s been fucking me for a while now.

            • SatansMaggotyCumFart
              88 months ago

              I think it’s amusing there’s downvote farmers here when karma doesn’t matter.

              Does the thrill of riling people up get you off?

              • Shake747
                -148 months ago

                Lol no, this is just how it goes on Lemmy in political channels. If you don’t want negative karma here, don’t say anything that objects to “left leaning views” (how far left can vary)

                It’s good to not solely exist in agreeable echo chambers, so here I am

        • @ramenshaman@lemmy.world
          58 months ago

          Oh hey, it’s you again. You never answered my question from the other post. Call me crazy, but I think this guy might be a troll.

          Anyways, here’s another one of those downvotes you were looking for.