Everyone who’s into the fediverse concept should read this article.

  • Melpomene
    21 year ago

    And this is different then you having to have a Twitter, Google, Facebook, Discord, Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc etc account how exactly? Difference with federated networks is that those “insular echo chambers” (not my experience, but hey) can work together and in actuality do work well together.

    • supernovae
      11 year ago

      The point of activitypub is to not have walled gardens. If meta is successful then you bed RTeddit is probably going to have to federate.

      Tumblr and Wordpress is already coming.

      Mozilla is too.

      • Melpomene
        11 year ago

        I see it a bit differently. For me, the point of activitypub is to decentralize. One of the wonderful things about activitypub and the fediverse is that while it supports universal federation, it also allows people to contemplate smaller, integrated communities. I never saw it as an “all or nothing” proposition; if a community like Beehaw wants to select their federation partners carefully, that’s absolutely okay.

        If an instance decides that Meta, or Tumblr, or notareal.in.stance don’t fit their community vibe and they exclude them from federation, that’s… the fediverse working properly. Having the ability to interconnect is wonderful… but we should not expect that all instances will want to interconnect with everyone else.