Can anyone relate?

  • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    208 months ago

    I didn’t make it through the whole video, I had to stop when the “doctor” started capitulating. In my experience people who hate self-diagnosis don’t listen, period. They don’t care about how much time and effort you’ve put into something, and this is an issue with society in general, people will automatically minimize the effort you’ve put into something if you don’t have a degree in a relevant field. This is an even bigger deal when it comes to anything medical because for the average person doctors = unquestionable gods.

      198 months ago

      My vaccine denier uncle has and is putting a ton of time reinforcing his conclusions.

      A colleague of mine that’s into ‘crystal vibrations’ knows every rock - and how it ‘affects your health’.

      And you should see how much of their time qanons are spending in their larping or the religious of every shade in their faith.

      Personal effort may be what brought you to the expert but is not and can’t be a sole determinant.

      Otherwise you might as well write yourself a script or a diagnosis - and not even docs are allowed to self diagnose.

        148 months ago

        Those wackadoo folks want that to be real. No one wants autism. People find the descriptions of autism and then get happy that some things in their life start to make sense. Then they get sad because an autism diagnosis can harm your life.

        Then they watch some train videos.

      138 months ago

      Then of course if you DO have a degree in a relevant field, then they’ll claim you are just some academic boffin with no idea how the “real world” works…