The listing went down quickly, and Roddenberry’s son is trying to track it down.

    28 months ago

    It was genes in 64 too. Gene paid, datin made it and by all accounts it was left with the studio until the studio Gene owned released it back to Gene for personal possession at the cancellation of tos.

    Correct, the model was made preproduction, again that much is documented.

    It was redesigned during production, the preproduction model is still the same model.

    It was paid for by Gene and Norway as Norway presented it back to Gene commemoratively not desilu. And yet but all accounts he did.

    This one is documented by the parties as at the very very very very least having been gifted to him commemoratively, no question about this model.

    Again, third parties verify that the model of nothing else was absolutely genes possession having been gifted back to him as commemoration of the cancellation of tos. You shouldn’t have a problem with it, it’s theirs.

    • Prouvaire
      18 months ago

      But I don’t have a problem with it. I’m actually very glad the model has been found cause it’s an absolutely iconic item, and hope it’s on its way to Rod Roddenberry.

        • Prouvaire
          18 months ago

          Great news! The Matt Jefferies Enterprise is my second-favourite incarnation of the Enterprise (after the TMP refit), although I prefer the post-pilot version with the balls at the back of the nacelles rather than the grilles.

            18 months ago

            I’m a weirdo and don’t really have a preference for most of the main ships, it’s the weird one shot ships that don’t or didn’t really have story behind them that I like. So like the models destroyed for wolf 359 are closer to my heart lol.