• @masquenox@lemmy.world
      58 months ago

      Well, that’s the whole point of anarchism, really… dismantling the power structures that is enabling all the exploitation in the first place.

      • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
        8 months ago

        But when police is abolished what is stopping a person or a group from simply taking whatever they like from others? Or force them to do whatever for them? Exploitation doesn’t just happen between corporations and “the people”.

        • @masquenox@lemmy.world
          28 months ago

          person or a group from simply taking whatever they like from others?

          When was the last time you saw police stopping the rich from stealing everything that isn’t nailed down?

          • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
            8 months ago

            If there were no laws and no police someone like Elon Musk could (and perhaps would) just bulldozer down whatever buildings are in his way when he wanted to build his production there.

            Without laws and police I certainly wouldn’t be safe on the street or even in my own home.

            • @masquenox@lemmy.world
              28 months ago

              bulldozer down whatever buildings are in his way

              Do you really think the police would stop a billionaire from doing whatever they felt like? Really?

              I guess you don’t know why they invented police in the first place?

              • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
                28 months ago

                Why do you think billionaires aren’t currently just doing whatever they like? Or are you really think they are already doing that? Quite naive.

                • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                  28 months ago

                  Why do you think billionaires aren’t currently just doing whatever they like?

                  I hate to be the one to break the news to you… they already are. See this…

                  bulldozer down whatever buildings are in his way

                  Show me a building that Elon couldn’t just buy with his pocket change - and then bulldoze - whenever he damn well felt like it. He could easily buy the building you’re in right now - and guess who would be the ones throwing you out of that building for him?

                  Quite naive.

                  Then show me how the police prevents Elon from doing whatever he wants. This should be easy for you - if there is any evidence to back up what it is you are saying.

                  • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
                    38 months ago

                    Elon Musk had to discuss endlessly with the authorities in my country to find a spot he was allowed to build his factory in. When people protested he had to wait until the protest was over and couldn’t just continue building because it could have been dangerous for the protestors. He has to pay a fine now and change his gray water waste handling. He doesn’t just do it anyway because he know police and judge would arrest him.

                    Another example: a person owning casinos wanted to build a casino in the neighborhood where I live. He bought a property under false pretences and when the government learned he wanted to build a casino they denied that and forced him to pay a fine and now he will have to sell property again. The reason why he isn’t just bulldozing down the building and build casino anyway is because he know police will stop him and his workers.

                    Shall I go on? There are thousands of things happening everyday that police and the state is doing. Who is going to stop rich or more powerful people if you abolish police and state?

      • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
        38 months ago

        The legal means also protect property. Otherwise someone who is stronger can just take whatever they like from someone who is weaker.

        • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
          28 months ago

          I specified private property (absentee ownership), which is distinct from personal property (active usage ownership).

          A house that I live in: personal property. A house I rent to someone else so they can live in it: private property.

          • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
            28 months ago

            That doesn’t change anything, does it? What’s stopping people from kicking me out of whatever place I am living in because they want it instead?

            • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
              38 months ago

              The self-defensive mechanisms established by the community I live in.

              Anarchism doesn’t mean that humans can’t form societal structures. It just means that decisions are made bottom-up instead of top-down.

              Hierarchical society doesn’t stop anyone with “higher rank” from claiming my house e.g. to build a highway or coal mine.

              • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
                8 months ago

                How would an anarchist society stop someone from claiming your house to build a highway or a coal mine? “The self-defensive mechanisms” is just police again you just call it differently and it can do whatever it likes.

                • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
                  38 months ago

                  No, the self-defense mechanisms aren’t the same thing as “police”, since the former is structured bottom-up and the other one is top-down.

                  An anarchist society would be organized democratically so that the people affected by policies have a say in these decitions proportional to howeit affects them.

                  • @ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
                    38 months ago

                    So when you have 150 people in a society and 80 vote for people with red hair should be burned as witches what happens then?