• KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
    8 months ago

    Homeless exist to remind the rest of the serfs that they better go back to the coal mine or they’ll end up just like them.

      • @cricket98@lemmy.world
        -38 months ago

        not really, more like they exist to help prevent people from getting stabbed from a meth addicted homeless person who is convinced you are satan trying to steal their soul

        • 80’s crime world movies are fascist propaganda by the way. This person is demonstrating how popular culture is also political.

          There is a such thing as a crazy madman killer in our society. They’re called school shooters, and they live in the suburbs. The cartoon that exists in this person’s head about what homelessness is and who it’s a danger to didn’t come out of thin air.

          • @cricket98@lemmy.world
            08 months ago

            80’s crime world movies are fascist propaganda by the way.

            We’ve really turned the word “fascist propaganda” to mean anything that goes against your worldview. There are definitely crazed homeless people who do not care one bit about committing needless violence. I’ve experienced it first hand. Back when I lived in NYC there were some of the absolutely most deranged people I’ve ever seen in my life, one guy stabbed a indian knick knack stall owner with a piece of glass for legitimately no reason. The guy almost died. It is what it is, but I think burying your head in the sand is not really a viable way forward.

            • Lol calling everything fascist propaganda

              Anyway as I was saying there’s inherently evil people out there and we need a police response to keep them suppressed for the safety of the good people of whom I and maybe(?) you are one.