So what good open source game engine sare out there i know about things like godot but are there any others? i keep wanting to make a game but coding just gos right over my head but still i want to mak eone. it dosent help how my pc is low-end-ish (8gb of ram, windows 10, nvidia 1030 card).

im not even sure how to code or if there is a more visaul way to make games, i would prefer 2d btw becasue it seems easyier for beginner. im not even sure why i want to make a game but i just do maybe becasue im a nerd-ish and it give sme a goal/hobby.

also please share anything you feel is needed aswell and remeber im bascily a absolute beginner who dreams way too big.

    11 year ago

    I’ve been thinking about making a text based game with Yarn Spinner as a total beginner myself. Chatgpt giving me immediate code on request has bolstered my confidence to branch out as well.

    • ShySparkOP
      11 year ago

      ive also been wanting to make a text based game or use chatgpt, but what is yarn spinner?

        21 year ago

        I linked their site in my post. It’s a foss game engine which has been used in a few charming indie games I really liked.