Perhaps you’ve noticed. We have reached a tipping point in the country over tipping.

To tip or not to tip has led to Shakespearean soliloquies by customers explaining why they refuse to tip for certain things.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, customers were grateful for those who seemingly risked their safety so we could get groceries, order dinner or anything that made our lives feel normal. A nice tip was the least we could do to show gratitude.

But now that we are out about and back to normal, the custom of tipping for just about everything has somehow remained; and customers are upset.

A new study from Pew Research shows most American adults say tipping is expected in more places than it was five years ago, and there’s no real consensus about how tipping should work.

  • Uprise42
    138 months ago

    Tipping is bad culture because we as customers should not need to directly subsidize the employees paychecks. There is too much variability in that. I’ve worked in restaurants where there is a slow day. I’ve seen servers on busy nights leave with $10 in tips because tables just refuse to tip anyone.

    The restaurant should raise their prices and pay all employees a livable wage regardless of position. It’s not about being bad at math. It’s about some people not wanting to tip and the only one getting fucked over is the person on the very bottom with no control. It’s about that same person having to spend 8 hours on a slow Wednesday morning with maybe 2 customers all day just not getting the tips to feed their family. It shouldn’t matter how many customers a server gets. They should get paid for the hours worked, not the customers served

      38 months ago

      Then get a job that isn’t tip based. Folks take those jobs because “I usually make more in tips” but that’s literally the gamble you sign up for with that mentality. I don’t want to take that gamble, so I work a job that isn’t reliant on tips. I don’t have good days where some rich dude gives me 100 bucks for no reason, but I also don’t have bad days where I make less than I expect and don’t know how to pay my bills. Tipping culture is bullshit and it’s the owning class exploiting us all, but workers who sign up to work for tipped based jobs know what they are getting into and don’t get my sympathy any more than some dude working at Best Buy hating his life does

      8 months ago

      Tipping is bad culture because we as customers should not need to directly subsidize the employees paycheck

      This is literally what all business transactions are.

      The restaurant should raise their prices and pay all employees a livable wage regardless of position

      Right, so the discussion is about how you want the pay to work, and there are lots of opinions on that. As a person who served for a long time, I would have not wanted to go by percent of food order at one restaurant but would have vastly preferred that at another, literally in the same chain of restaurants.

      I think the concept of ending tipping and paying more works, but I think there will be some sticker shock for a lot of goods. This is really baked into the system.

      It won’t actually cost more but it’ll seem like it does, and perception is everything.

      • XbSuper
        68 months ago

        I simply don’t tip, it’s not my responsibility. How the workers and owners figure out how to deal with it, isn’t my problem.

          8 months ago

          Well then honestly, you’re way better off by encouraging tipping culture, and still continuing not to tip.

          You’re effectively getting a discount on labor across the board, of 15-20% of total purchase cost. Not a bad deal.

            58 months ago

            But I’m not an asshole and I want society to improve, so I’ll shit all over tipping culture every chance I get and only tip when I actually get good service, as it should be

      • @Stumblinbear
        28 months ago

        And yet people pay significantly more tipping than they would if prices just increased to cover actual wages. Tipped workers make a lot of fuckin money.

          18 months ago

          Tipped workers will still need that same income or you lose the tipped workers for worse workers (at best).

          The price increase will need to be roughly the average percentage made in tips, at minimum.

              • @Stumblinbear
                08 months ago

                Unlikely. Around 15% is the generally recommended tip, and many people don’t tip even that. Plus basically no restaurant is going to pay them what they would used to earn in tips.

                  08 months ago

                  Plus basically no restaurant is going to pay them what they would used to earn in tips.

                  They will if they want employees. It’s crazy to me people think servers would just work for free so you get a small discount lol

                  • @Stumblinbear
                    08 months ago

                    … For free? What? Who said work for free? What a fuckin leap you made there, man.

          • @Stumblinbear
            08 months ago

            No, they don’t, actually. Workers in other countries don’t make nearly as much as tipped workers in the same job here, and they manage perfectly fine.

              18 months ago

              What happens in other countries is irrelevant. No one is going to accept the same job for less pay because people in France make dog shit money