• @AVincentInSpace
    -17 months ago

    do you think that those animals would survive better in the wild?

    as far as animals are concerned domestication is a pretty sweet gig. they don’t have to look for food, all their ailments are cared for, and the only price they pay is a slightly shorter lifespan with a death as painless as humans know how to make it. sure, CAFOs are scummy as all hell, and I rail against those like there’s no tomorrow, but the idea that eating meat is in and of itself unethical is, to put it politely, fucking stupid. do you also oppose natural predation and root for the gazelle any time you watch a nature documentary?

    • NotAPenguinOP
      57 months ago

      The animals you eat are specifically bred to be eaten, they would never be in the wild.

      Being born to be fattened up and killed for profit/taste while living in shit conditions is not good in any way.

      Eating meat is clearly unethical when we can easily thrive on plant based diets, needless violence is bad, nothing stupid about that.

      Lions have no choice, we do.