Footage to date fails to prove Gaza complex was nerve centre for attacks on Israel, as military had claimed

      158 months ago

      Ah yes, which is why the only evidence Israel gives is of guns behind an MRI machine… An MRI machine which, as you may know, is extremely dangerous to operate in the presence of metal.

      When did al-Shifa lose power again? Definitely not 3 weeks ago…

    • SilverserenOP
      138 months ago

      And yet Hamas managed to erase any evidence of their supposed tunnel system completely? The IDF was claiming a day or two ago that Hamas concreted over and “ceramic’ed over” all the tunnels during the 3 days of the hospital siege.

      Yet the IDF could show no evidence of those covered up tunnels either.

        -118 months ago

        Well, if they were allowed to blast holes through everything they wanted, it wouldn’t be such a problem to find these tunnels quickly. Are you okay with that, or you rather wait while the IDF does a less destructive search of the hospital grounds?

        • SilverserenOP
          118 months ago

          All they need to do is show freshly concreted over areas. But they couldn’t even do that. They showed nothing of the sort in the videos they’ve released of the basement.

            -98 months ago

            They will show fresh concerted areas and you will claim that’s not good enough, they need to dig it out and show tunnels. They will show tunnels, and you will claim that’s not good enough, they need to show rockets. They will show rockets, and you will claim that’s not good enough, they need to show terrorists. They will show terrorists, and that won’t be good enough because they need to show hostages. They will show hostages, and that won’t be good enough because it’s the IDF, and nothing they will show will ever be good enough.

            • SilverserenOP
              128 months ago

              When they couldn’t show anything at all right off and instead several things that appeared to be propaganda and lies (to the point that even mainstream media is reporting on it), no, I won’t believe it.

              Them coming back days later to claim any of those is time enough for them to doctor up the claimed evidence.

              This is just standard propaganda making, the likes of which we saw all the time out of Russia, for example.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      28 months ago

      You’re a disgusting human being.

      With that out of the way, they’ve been caught fabricating evidence. Multiple times. I’m not sure why you’re still believing anything they say.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          28 months ago

          I’m not sure what you’re denying. That Israel hasn’t been caught fabricating evidence? In that case I have a bridge (totally not owned by a Palestinian family) to sell you in the West Bank.