The b in “bire” is probably a capital D. “D I R E.”
I think confusing July the 4th with New Year because both have celebrations, isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve heard a kid say. Not the dumbest thing I said/thought as a kid either.
It is interesting how they’ve written a little conversation and know how to use quotation marks.
Translation: Dear diary guess what! “What?” Today is 4th of July! Goodbye 2007, hello 2008!
bire -> “bi-ree” -> maybe the “b” is a backwards “d” -> “di-ree” -> diary
Gess -> guess
Julie -> July
Good, by -> goodbye (the comma is actually an exclamation point for the line below)
“Goodbye 2007, hello 2008” -> American school system at work.
It’s just a capital D
The b in “bire” is probably a capital D. “D I R E.”
I think confusing July the 4th with New Year because both have celebrations, isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve heard a kid say. Not the dumbest thing I said/thought as a kid either.
It is interesting how they’ve written a little conversation and know how to use quotation marks.
Aaaaahhhh I understood everything except the 2007-2008 reference. So… We’re making fun of a child who is just learning to write now, OP?
I actually have the child here in the corner of the room bawling his eyes out at the cruelty!
(Also i’m not op this was posted on reddit by the ‘kid’, who has since grown 16 years)
That’s okay then, consent is all that matters