• @AVincentInSpace
      27 months ago

      Oh, you’re a troll. Sorry, I should’ve realized sooner. Sincerest apologies for wasting my time. Carry on.

        • @AVincentInSpace
          7 months ago

          Indeed they have, and I am. Proud of it, too. Somehow I doubt you can say the same about spending entire days squeezing what little dopamine you can out of trying and failing to make other people mad at you.

          I pity you. I truly do. If we were face to face I’d give you a hug. Sadly, though, we’re connected only through this text box, and I’m not a qualified therapist, so all I can do is wish you well, tell you it’s all going to be okay, and remind you that the stigmatization surrounding getting therapy is entirely unjustified. I’ve been to quite a few therapists and I can recommend several good ones. It really does help.

          • Haha I’m not the one digging through month old dead posts on the Kmart version of reddit. It’s pretty entertaining to check in here every few weeks to see what all the potatoes are sperging about. Even better when you find the exceptional fella who does understand the fun parts of the internets.