• @SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
      1610 months ago

      C’mon man, that’s a little harsh, don’t ya think? I get that you don’t owe him anything but for real, not everyone’s calling is equally rewarding financially, and you know this, and you know how fucked up it is.

      Teachers deserve a wage that allows them to save and vacation every year.

      In fact, we all do.

      Fast food burger flippers do too. Society could afford it before, that we aren’t doing it now is the result of policy decisions, not some invisible market moral correction voodoo. Workers at Dicks Burgers in Seattle make $21/hr + bene’s and Dicks food is 1000x better than any fast food chain, and cheaper too. The money’s there, it’s just not being spread around.

      Good for you achieving your own security, honestly, I mean that. But the scales being balanced is something we all need to work towards. Youre still working class, and right now the games still rigged to make sure you die broke. If we can’t collectively work together to make sure the economy works for us all (cuz what’s the point of a society then? It’s just a fancy meat grinder otherwise), that paramedics make more than minimum wage. I’d like to live in a world where words matter. Where “essential” workers weren’t just sacrificed on the alter of capitalism bc the beaurocratic class got furloughed and are actually treated essential.

      Otherwise it’s just a matter of time until another round of Reaganomics or fascists usurp power and either way your union gets busted. Ask the control tower what it’s like when the government doesn’t give a shit about the law, or precident. The law only matters if it’s enforced.

      • @SCB@lemmy.world
        210 months ago

        I sure hope you vote for higher local taxes every election. Local elections really matter!

        Vote for zoning reform too!

      • @Sagifurius@lemm.ee
        -2610 months ago

        If that’s what you want to call a guy who learned a difficult trade as a straight apprentice instead of dicking around.

            • @Sagifurius@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              Nah, more sick of this whiny narrative from people gave up, that’s become so pervasive, people seem to use it to make themselves feel better about either never really trying, staying in a bad situation, or doing drugs till they’re 36 and then wondering why they don’t have nothing.

              • @Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
                710 months ago

                Gonna blow your mind here. Both can be true! People can make it work with some effort and (even you) a ton of luck, but that doesn’t also mean there’s not A HUGE issue. I guarantee you every single person who is struggling day-to-day, and doesn’t have some kind of reality-altering mental illness, wants to improve themselves. Most people either don’t know how, or have tried and tried and tried and just not been fortunate to find their break. Instead of being met with “ah, man, that’s rough bud. Let’s see if we can figure out some resources to help” though, it’s “get a job, don’t do drugs, pull yourself up with those bootstraps you bought (no handouts here!) And fuckin grind til you get it you worthless maggot!” One of those approaches will actually lead to people doing better for themselves, and it’s not the one you chose.

                • @SCB@lemmy.world
                  010 months ago

                  I guarantee you every single person who is struggling day-to-day, and doesn’t have some kind of reality-altering mental illness, wants to improve themselves

                  I can 100% guarantee you this is false. You are dramatically underestimating the number of people who are happy living with nothing if it means they don’t have to try hard.

                  I’m literally in favor of paying these people money just to spend, and totally supporting their life of uselessness, but we need to accept that a shitload of these people exist or there cannot be any serious discussion about reforms.

                  Most poor people want to not be poor anymore. However millions of poor people are poor because they don’t want to work at all, and only work as much as they have to in order to pay core bills.

                  You can’t “save” those people because they don’t want to be saved. Their quality of work sucks, too, so the best thing for everyone is just to have a gov program give them cash and let them contribute to the economy through spending.

                  • @Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
                    410 months ago

                    See, I think those people are living their best lives already. There’s no saving them because there’s nothing to save them from. But I bet they’re still improving their lives in other ways. Everyone wants better for themselves, we just don’t always agree on what better IS.

                • @Sagifurius@lemm.ee
                  -410 months ago

                  Yeah yeah, just keep telling yourself that. Maybe when you’re 60 and still broke and renting, it’ll make you feel better.

                  • @Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
                    410 months ago

                    Well, something must be weighing you down if you’re on here being shitty at the thought of people needing a bit of help to get out of their rough spot. Hopefully by the time YOU’RE 60, you can get that sorted. It’ll make you feel better.

              • @SCB@lemmy.world
                210 months ago

                I’m 39 and I do drugs a lot and I pretty much guarantee I’m more successful than you, given what you’ve said.

                Maybe let’s leave the drugs out of this discussion

                • @Sagifurius@lemm.ee
                  010 months ago

                  Could be. Could be I’ve seen so many die to opiod/fentanyl reasons I’ve took a real dim view of recreational use. Addicts need help, sure, not my point though.

                  • @SCB@lemmy.world
                    210 months ago

                    I’ve also had a lot of bad experiences with friends and opioids. I feel you there for sure, and understand the comment a bit better.

    • @Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
      910 months ago

      Thanks for feeding into the consumerist “all that matters is the money you make and the things you can buy” attitude that’s doing so well for us all right now! We really need it!

      • @Sagifurius@lemm.ee
        -810 months ago

        Making a priority in ,ife of not being a renter forever, isn’t consumerism, it’s the ooposite. Renting is peak consumerism.

        • @Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
          310 months ago

          Making a priority in life to earn more so that you can buy buy buy is pretty peak consumer. Your post made a pretty hefty value judgement at the person above (you didn’t make enough money, so why do you deserve…). Peak consumerism is you have to earn so you can buy. The opposite of consumerism is recognizing that we’re more than our bank accounts, and that people need shelter in order to survive, so let’s make it accessible to everyone.

          • @Sagifurius@lemm.ee
            -310 months ago

            It is. You just gotta quit expecting to buy in LA, Vancouver, NY without a serious money making plan or go where an average dude can afford. Or just sit around and whine, see how far that gets you.

            • @Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
              310 months ago

              It’s funny that calling out very real problems is “whining” to some people. There’s absolutely some issues going on with housing prices and wages right now, but Mr(s) GotTheirs refuses to see it. You can be proactive and make progress in your own life while also acknowledging that the game is pretty rigged right now, and having a bit of humility that the GotTheirses at least partially got theirs through some luck.

              Also, way to make some baseless assumptions about where I, or anyone, is trying to buy.