currently getting over the lingering after-effects of a sinus infection, which was not an enjoyable way to spend last week

    117 months ago

    Had to have surgical intervention a few weeks ago and am getting mild pangs of renal colic pain on the other side. I’m drinking tons of water and crossing my fingers hard that these stones don’t require intervention 🤞

    Other than that life feels like a mess right now and I’m trying to be more intentional about addressing things this week.

    Anyone have good advice for making friends in one’s thirties? Online or IRL?

    • frog 🐸
      77 months ago

      Anyone have good advice for making friends in one’s thirties? Online or IRL?

      If you have the time to devote to it, adult education/training courses/etc are a great way to meet adults with similar interests to yours. I’ve made some amazing friends that way over the last couple of years. While the majority of people you meet are “friends” only as long as the course lasts, and then kind of drift away, I’ve made several friends that I keep in contact with and meet up with for walks/shopping/days out/etc as often as our respective schedules allow.

      Also, I hope the water helps and you feel better soon. :)

      77 months ago

      Anyone have good advice for making friends in one’s thirties? Online or IRL?

      Assuming you’re cool with meeting up with strangers in person, was a good way to find people of like minded hobbies (like board games). You’ll get a wide range of folks depending on the group itself but it can be helpful if you’re trying to “refill” your own social needs at least in the beginning and hopefully make some friends as a result. Helped me out of a rut when I found myself alone with no friends far from home!

    • autumn (she/they)
      27 months ago

      find a social hobby and stick with it. for me, that was group bike rides that turned into group bike camping rides. now a few of us are traveling across the country next summer to do RAGBRAI (7-day bike ride of 400-500 miles). 🥴