• A) They need 50 senators willing to entertain that notion. They only have 49. B) If there were one action that I think would be most likely to kick off Civil War 2, it would be packing the court.

    • @Tak@lemmy.ml
      71 year ago

      That’s a very selective way of saying the Dems aren’t responsible because Dems wont support students, the environment, or women’s rights.

    • Hot Saucerman
      1 year ago

      Civil War 2 is already happening, you must not be paying attention.

      It’s time to rip off the fucking band-aid and do something about it instead of letting the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters, and others run around terrorizing the country through wanton violence and death.

      Just because it’s not a “hot” civil war yet doesn’t mean it’s not happening. One side isn’t fighting back, that’s for sure.