Do you have a general stance about it?

Once every couple of months I look into the state of both projects and it’s slow but steadily progressing.

I am mainly looking into it because of the file compression. My tests showed that I can save up to 70% in disk space for a jpg image without losing too much information for both formats, avif and jxl. It depends on the images but in general it’s astonishing and I wonder why I still save jpgs in 100% quality.

But, I could also just save or convert my whole library to 70% jpg compression. Any advice?

    7 months ago

    Jpg at 70% will lose a significant amount of detail. It is a “lossy” format, you cant judt compress data for nothing.

    AVIF is significantly more efficient than jpeg, so it loses less image data for higher compression (smaller file sizes).

    JXL supports both lossy and lossless compression, and is supposed to be more efficient yet over AVIF. However it’s got proprietary all over it because Google et al. For thst alone I would shy away from JXL and go AVIF.

      37 months ago

      JXL is not proprietary. It’s an open, royalty-free format whose reference implementation is BSD-licensed.