Plot twitst: I dont have any webcams. Lol.

  • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    57 months ago

    I love spammers who try to shame me into paying them. Good luck trying to kink shame a furry who’s given up hiding it. You try doing that and I’ll show you the kinda porn that makes me uncomfortable.

    • qyron
      27 months ago

      I’m laughing as I type this but I am in fact scared to even imagine what could.

      But furry porn is a thing? Really? Outside manga and that sort of medium? That sounds hilarious to watch!

      • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
        17 months ago

        You mean live action stuff? Yeah, it exists. I was referring to drawn stuff though. Some kinks are pretty out there, and art lets you express them in a way that’d be impossible under all known laws of physics (yes, it can get pretty funny, it can also get pretty horrifying).

        • qyron
          17 months ago

          I’ll mention this and this alone: Dolcett. Gave me nightmares.