In a tense game of chicken, remarkable for its mix of petulance and audacity, congressional Republicans are threatening to halt U.S. aid to Ukraine—guaranteeing a Russian breakthrough and possible victory in that war—unless Democrats help pass a bill that all but locks down America’s Southern border.

If the impasse isn’t resolved by the end of next week, when Congress goes on recess until the new year, the Ukrainian army could run out of ammunition. President Joe Biden could resupply the arsenal from U.S. stockpiles without legislative approval, but the move would be temporary, and the signal sent—that Ukraine, and by implication other allies, can no longer count on U.S. support in a pinch—could be a holiday cork-popper for Russian President Vladimir Putin and all of our other adversaries.

    -47 months ago

    incredibly hostile

    I can be way more hostile. I try not to insult or berate people, but it’s difficult when they call you “ dickcheese.”

    • Flying Squid
      27 months ago

      Actually, you berated him first. You said:

      Did you just imply that you’re irrelevant? Lol. Why are you even commenting if my “takes” are worthless? By taking the time to address my “take,” you validate them, thus cucking yourself.

      And then he said:

      Learn to read dickcheese

      So you are being very dishonest here.

      Also, “I can be way more hostile” doesn’t actually mean you achieve anything with your current level of hostility.

        -47 months ago

        Anyway, there’s still a genocide going on.

        Going around Congress, the Biden administration said Saturday it has approved the emergency sale to Israel of nearly 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition worth more than $106 million as Israel intensifies its military operations in the southern Gaza Strip.

        • Flying Squid
          27 months ago

          Not acknowledging blatant dishonesty is another reason why no one gives you much credence.

            • Flying Squid
              27 months ago

              No, you’re here to be needlessly rude to people and self-righteously claim it helps fight genocide.

                    -17 months ago

                    Because I’m not lying. The commenter said;

                    He posted a spicy worthless hot-take on an irrelevant corner of the internet! take that, libcucks!

                    I felt my response was proportional. He disrespected me, I disrespected him. You think I’m hostile, I’m demonstrating that I’m not trying to be. Why are you so invested in proving me wrong?