• That’s the point. It’s not accurate that we always knew how complex these were. The more we learn, the more we learn how complex these things are. The example of spiritual explanations is the most reductive and frankly that is where our understanding started. This conversation has really devolved here in typical Lemmy fashion.

      • flatearth
        17 months ago

        Children are typically born with no knowledge of the physical world and spiritual explanations.
        @Imgonnatrythis mentioned ‘spiritual explanations’.

    • flatearth
      7 months ago

      Many things were revealed to Moyses by God Himself.
      St. Paul was wrapt to the third heaven.
      Also in the book of Job, we see God speak in first person.
      Also there are prophets.
      You are marvelled at what we can do with matter. You little knowledge of what man can do with God.
      In our modern day, we had the Dancing Sun of Fatima (Our Lady of Fatima).