• Flying Squid
      46 months ago

      Ah yes, Canada. Well-known the world over as a ‘shithole country.’

        • Flying Squid
          26 months ago

          So the entire metric for ‘shithole’ to you is based on how many people ride electrified trains? Really? Nothing about, say, their economy or their standard of living or their record on human rights or anything like that?

            • Flying Squid
              16 months ago

              No? Where did I say this?

              You implied it when you suggested, to my reply that Canada might not be a shithole country, that it was due to the whole train thing.

              Right, because they’re doing so well on that front…


              And the country with the flawless human rights record is what? Iceland because there’s no one to oppress since everyone’s related to everyone else? Great. The rest of 200-some other countries are shitholes by that measure. Again, not the best metric.

              Let’s talk about your country now. Where do you live? Will you even volunteer that information?