    96 months ago

    I always hate it when people tell me that I should eat the food that guy A farted on, because guy B will shit on it… rather than us together being able to say “hey maybe people shouldn’t be sticking their asses on our food.”

    …But without fail, that same person saying “everyone should be so thankful for guy A” seems to almost enjoy scolding those complaining about ass touching their food more-so than even fathoming to recognize that maaaaaaaaybe “guy A should stop farting on people’s plates.”

    • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
      196 months ago

      First past the post voting is horrible. But until we get ranked choice, either hold your nose and vote, or understand that not voting is EXACTLY EQUIVALENT to a vote for whoever you hate most.

      CPG grey did a great video on why first past the post sucks.

      • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
        -46 months ago

        Well said. And we’re NEVER going to get ranked vote with Biden or the current Democrats. Voting Democrat only keeps the two party gig going longer. How long has it been now, 150 years of the same back and forth?

        Unless they start to feel the need to change anything they will never do it if you keep voting for them when they act like this.