I remember when it was just Hulu for $5 and Netflix for $8. Saved $50 a month from cable. Now it seems we spend more. I have four. Max, Peacock, Paramount and Hulu. Prime doesn’t count because it sucks balls. (Only paying Netflix when next Stranger Things and Squid Game is released). Curious to see what the average Lemmer/Lemming (what do we call ourselves?) has?

  • @CarbonIceDragon
    8 months ago

    Just Nebula. I do admittedly rent movies from YouTube from time to time as a sort of special thing to do with my friend (a bit less than once a month I think, I don’t think I watch them often enough to justify any kind of subscription to them, which probably wouldn’t have all the ones I end up wanting to see anyway, and since at the current pace it might be years before I rewatch something if ever I don’t think buying is really worth it either in my case), but on the whole, I just have kind of given up watching “normal” TV anymore. There are a handful of shows I liked watching when living with some family that had the subscription, but there’s not nearly enough entertainment in just one show or two for me to want to bother buying a subscription to any of them myself, and I’ve sort of found that except for only one or two shows I get more enjoyment per unit time out of content made by individuals or small teams anyway, I’m not really sure why, maybe because it can be more niche or something.

    That isn’t to say that I don’t spend any money, beyond that one subscription that is, on entertainment or anything, I just generally spend it on games. (And since I like games with thousand hours or more levels or replayability, usually buy them or any dlc on sales, and don’t play games with mtx much and never buy any if I do, the amount of entertainment hours per dollar I get there is rather extremely high I suspect).