Looking for more plants to keep a lid on hair algae! I do water changes, but I think more plants would help.

  • Bilb!
    26 months ago

    I’d also like to hear opinions. I just set up a 10 gallon planted tank with Java ferns, a cryptocoryne, a dwarf water lily bulb, and some dwarf hair grass.

    The dwarf hair grass is not doing well, turning white in many places. Not enough CO2? That would be a bummer, I’m not setting up an expensive CO2 infuser for a 10 gallon tank.

    The others seem to be doing fine. Half on the java ferns are producing plantlets, the crypt sprouted a new leaf, and the lily is growing new sprouts every day.

    What’s that twisty plant you have there?

    • @WahotsOP
      26 months ago

      The plant is Corkscrew val! It’s the smaller variety. It was a “free” plant that got scooped up with fish at the store.

      It was happy at first, then started dying due to a lack of minerals. I started dosing the water with supplements, and it seems to be slowly improving again :)

    • BaldProphet
      6 months ago

      For dwarf hairgrass, CO2 is what you need for it to grow quickly and thickly. It’ll grow more slow, otherwise. Also make sure to have some root tabs in the substrate nearby.

      Also, that water lily, if its the kind you can get at PetSmart, will probably be the biggest plant in your tank.