A controversial rule restricting speech about Israel was dropped after artists abandoned festival lineups in Germany’s techno mecca.

  • @GrandCookieMaster@ani.social
    -285 months ago

    Im definitely not in favor of ho Israel does it but criticism of that was never forbidden, forbidden was to “question” Israels right to exist as a country. And doing that is indeed antisemitism

    Oh and im anti theist in general. I want to abolish all religions because you can see what they do.

    • Sumpfkraut
      215 months ago

      Both the wording of the rule and the use of the rule was very clear that this was about all criticism of Israel unless it’s “criticism” like “Israel doesn’t do enough to protect itself”.

      That “guideline” is hate-speech and genocide-apologism in it’s most cynical form because it is disguised as anti-discrimination. The people who proposed and implemented it should be ostracized.

    • @iain@feddit.nl
      65 months ago

      Being anti-colonialist is forbidden? Is it antisemitism because this time the colonizers claim to do it in the name of Judaism?