Financial Times: “Russia intends to double the number of its troops stationed along its border with the Baltic states and Finland as it prepares for a potential military conflict with NATO within the next decade, according to Estonia’s foreign intelligence service.”

  • Chainweasel
    705 months ago

    If they can’t take Ukraine with the US providing the bare minimum amount of aid the Republicans will allow, I’m curious what they think they can accomplish against our best efforts in an actual war.

      5 months ago

      I’m not curious at all. Let’s just stop this shit already.

      How unlikley is it they’ve held back at minimum one airplane and a big ass bomb (atomic, nuclear, etc, I have no idea) for the USA? Best effort or not, if one thing gets through some people are fucked. Some is more then none and that’s too much.

        105 months ago

        On the other hand the United States has been politically gridlocked for the last 15 years because of Russian puppets. For some of us that’s been as good as a death sentence.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        34 months ago

        Even with nuclear warfare.

        I think Putin knows that he can get off five or six nukes on strategic cities to destabilize Europe and America without much additional repercussion, assuming it is already at war with the West.

        The West cannot nuke Russia back because their major retaliatory strike package is automatic, under dead hand control, and would surely cause global nuclear winter.

        Or, maybe the West retaliated and nukes some Russian cities without triggering the dead hand. Putin absolutely doesn’t give a shit if tens of millions of Russian civilians die. It literally will not matter to him in any sense. He will still be a billionaire oligarch living in obscene luxury and will still remain president as a long as he desires.

      -45 months ago

      Your best effort? Nuclear armageddon. Both europe and russia will be wiped off of world map. US might be able to survive but some towns will be Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

      That is with your best effort, so save your fucking bullshit.