The Luna-25 mission will seek to land near the south pole of the moon, collecting geological samples from the area, and sending back data for signs of water or its building blocks, which could raise the possibility of a future human colony on the moon.

    011 months ago

    The USA has done some bad stuff, and we have some questionable politics too. Every country has done not so great stuff. But to put us on the same level as Russia is nuts. There’s a reason that the whole world is calling Russia’s actions deplorable. Us having an unclean track record is no excuse for them to do what they’re doing.

    • jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      -111 months ago

      I think it is a mix of propaganda and not looking too much into the leaked documents in the military, while also just being used to death.

      People in non-western influenced countries see the US in the same light as Russia.

      Russia and China are not our enemies, but we keep provoking them into military war instead of economic competition.

      This is all to divide ua into groups so the wealthy can keep doing what they do best, profit of of the working class.