No, one company isn’t ‘forcing’ diversity into all your favorite video games

        • Tar_Alcaran
          144 months ago

          I mean woke is usually when everything has Female, LGBT or Black characters in it that don’t fit the story at all and or are written to be a walking cliche and or are just obviously there for “diversity”.

          So, that means almost nothing is woke then? Because I see very few requirements for when something “fits the story”. There’s a lot of shitty writing though, always has been and always will be, but according to you, when a white guy has crap writing, it’s just crap writing, but when a black woman has crappy writing, it’s woke?

            4 months ago

            Esg has opened the flood gates for poor writing, we are used to the hero tale where someone comes from a normal to difficult background, theyre thrown into a situation they cant handle and so they must become strong, they in the end do become strong and that is the character ark.

            Investment check boxing has made a scene where character arks are avoided, a black woman can’t be viewed as week as the company’s esg score will go down so now there is media depicting only strong character which is highly unrelatable.

            I am all for inclusivity but it need to be done right and not for an investment rating, its akin to rainbow flag banners on socials whilst funding a racists campaign.

            • Tar_Alcaran
              124 months ago

              I think you need to remove the rose-coloured glasses, and look at how much utter crap there used to be 20 years ago. Or 10 years. Or 50 years.

              You’re pretty much cherrypicking all the shitty-writing-with-non-white/male-characters, and completely ignoring all the shitty-writing-with-white-male-characters. 90% of everything is crap, but if you cherrypick all the diverse characters that suck, then yeah, you’re going to find a lot of shitty diverse characters.

                4 months ago

                I didn’t pick anything, there has and will always be shitty writing. But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with it, especially when race, gender, sexuality are used as a vehicle to profit whilst adding little to no substance.

                The issue is obvious where we can’t risk having a weak diverse character as it could harm esp rating and in turn profits, so we have a diverse characters that are strong and aren’t relatable.

                Look at game like Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice, it wasn’t made to appease the esg system, yet its opened people up to mental health, gender, power struggles. Hands down its amazing story telling.

                Not a game but the documentary about Jeffrey Dahmer that was recently aired on netflix was also eye open, then there the old but gold Rosemary’s Baby again great story telling.

              • stevecrox
                -14 months ago

                I think they are saying most attempts at diversity come from middle aged white guys and just end up being poorly done and so detract from the game/story.

                Similar to how 00’s electronic companies just painted it pink to appeal to women or why South Park added Token.

                So arguing for more diversity within the companies themselves

                  24 months ago

                  They’re grasping for excuses to whine about the existence of other people.

                  Stop giving bigots endless benefit-of-the-doubt.

                  • stevecrox
                    4 months ago

                    You are far worse than the people you are claiming to act against.

                    Lots of people can feel something is a problem and struggle to articulate it. So you have to take people on a case by case basis.

                    OP talks about how they feel diverse characters are shoe horned in or badly written. Ask them to provide an example.

                    When they can’t, then call them out. They are a bigot and deserve scorn.

                    If they can provide an example, help them understand the issue and use appropriate language.

                    Calling someone out who genuinely feels there is a problem doesn’t stop them feeling there is a problem. These people will go looking for some who acknowledges their feelings.

                    Which is how you make a bigot

                  • neo (he/him)
                    24 months ago

                    You could have a main female character in Mass Effect but it never felt shoehorned in like a lot of crap these days. In fact I have never played Male!Shep.

      124 months ago

      Lmao, what?

      Being aware of societal issues affecting minority populations is a magnificent way to get laid.

      Even South Park parodied it!

      It doesn’t seem weird that caring about others can be a very attractive trait in a person.

      14 months ago

      lol. This is your brain on the manosphere.

      “Could the “woke” fellas be getting laid simply by treating women like human beings rather than objects? No, it’s obviously extortion.”