Are you starting on your gardening journey this year? Maybe branching out to some new-to-you plants? Trying out a new style of gardening?

Share your questions! Share your plans! How can we help you grow something wonderful? What do you wish you knew more about?

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  • CounselingTechie
    34 months ago

    Getting the last set of pots this weekend, got large terracotta ones that I am going to be having ollas in with some container style tomatoes and peppers. Maximizing space without necessarily building more raised beds as I don’t have the stuff for that, right now. Waiting on one of the local stores to get plants started for selling so that I can transplant them into my garden beds. Going to try okra this year! Determined to see how it works!

    • @LallyLuckFarm@beehaw.orgOPM
      34 months ago

      I think ollas are a great addition to the peppers in particular because of how sensitive they are to sporadic watering, great call!

      • CounselingTechie
        24 months ago

        Yep! they are also good because they are a deep root watering too! I used the ollas last years for my dynamite peppers and banana peppers, and they were wonderful honestly.