My favorite games are Omori, Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds. I cried for hours at the end of those games, and I think the common point in them is high-quality emotional writing and stellar OST (music really affect me) and my attachment to the characters.
I also found that my taste in movies was similar (Hana-bi by Takeshi Kitano is my favorite movie)
I’ve been trying to find something similar, so has anybody any recommendation?
I’d like to add that I basically hated Nier Automata (way too pretentious imo) and Before your Eyes (I wasn’t a fan of the game concept, and found the story pretty weak), and really loved the horror aspects of Omori.
I also heard about To the moon, but games talking about disease are hard for me to enjoy

  • Wahots
    11 months ago

    Death stranding, a space for the unbound, celeste, Dust: an elysian tale, pokemon mystery dungeon Red rescue team (GBA) or blue rescue team (DS). Baldur’s gate 3 has some personal stories that are extremely wonderful. Bad things happening to good people, and things largely working out depending on how you play. Battlefield One’s campaign had some stories that made my heart ache for characters. People laying down their lives so that their friends can get back to their families.

    Detroit: become human was SO close if not for a hamfisted twist. Inscryption isn’t as emotional but packs a wildly interesting story.