That was one of the more interesting SOTU addresses I’ve seen. Personally, I think he said most of the things that needed to be said, and he said them reasonably well. I’m sure he’s going to get some flack for attacking Trump directly (though not by name), but I was frankly glad to see it. Doing otherwise makes it seem like it’s just your typical election/political disagreements, but we’re past that now.

    -594 months ago

    Can I see your crystal ball?

    You people keep telling me Trump is Putin’s puppet and Putin supports Hamas. But now Trump will go against Putin’s wishes and kill more Gazans than Biden?

    Which is it?

      474 months ago

      It’s the one where he said he supports Israel and wants them to finish the job… You’re just being willfully blind at this point and clearly lack the maturity to differentiate your idealistic vision with the true reality of what would happen if Trump gets another term.

        4 months ago

        So Trump isn’t actually Putin’s puppet? Is that what you’re landing on?

        See how cognitive dissonance works? Lol.

          254 months ago

          Hahaha, as if he can’t both be pro-pootin and pro-israel. What really makes you think he wouldn’t try to help Israel destroy Gaza and help pootin destroy Ukraine?

            -124 months ago

            What really makes you think he wouldn’t try to help Israel destroy Gaza and help pootin destroy Ukraine?

            People keep telling me Trump is Putin’s puppet and Putin supports Hamas.

            Are you suggesting he’s not actually Putin’s puppet?

              24 months ago

              YoI don’t think you know what “cognitive dissonance” is or how it is being weaponized to take advantage of people like yourself. A LOT of Trump supporters are people who espouse antisemitism in one breath, but will cheer Trump saying Israel “needs to finish the job” in the next. You also don’t seem to understand WHY Trump, a man who is desperate to win the election so he can eliminate all the lawsuits and judgements against him… is backing Isreal. I’ll give you a hint: he wants the Jewish vote. He thinks saying “we will eliminate Palestinians” is the same as telling black people he’s just like them for being the target of biased prosecution. Although, on second thought, you probably DO know these things… you’re just arguing in bad faith because you have your own shitty agenda to push. So I guess the question is are you wildly ignorant or are you just pretending to be?

          214 months ago

          I don’t think you know what “cognitive dissonance” is or how it is being weaponized to take advantage of people like yourself.

          A LOT of Trump supporters are people who espouse antisemitism in one breath, but will cheer Trump saying Israel “needs to finish the job” in the next.

          You also don’t seem to understand WHY Trump, a man who is desperate to win the election so he can eliminate all the lawsuits and judgements against him… is backing Isreal. I’ll give you a hint: he wants the Jewish vote. He thinks saying “we will eliminate Palestinians” is the same as telling black people he’s just like them for being the target of biased prosecution.

          Although, on second thought, you probably DO know these things… you’re just arguing in bad faith because you have your own shitty agenda to push.

          So I guess the question is are you wildly ignorant or are you just pretending to be?

              • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                04 months ago

                Removed under rule 3:

                “Be civil, No violations of TOS. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!”

      244 months ago

      No one is talking about Putin. You’re just changing the topic because you don’t know how to argue in good faith.

        -384 months ago

        No, I’m raising a very good point to highlight your cognitive dissonance.

        You don’t want to acknowledge I have a point because that would mean admitting you’re wrong about Trump.

        This is how cognitive dissonance works. You have two conflicting ideas in your head and can’t process how to reconcile them. You just get mad whenever someone calls it out.

          224 months ago

          You keep saying everyone else has cognitive dissonance, but you haven’t explained what the actual dissonance is. There’s no reason to assume that supporting Trump and supporting Israel are to dissonant ideas. Both want to destroy something that he’s professed agreement with destroying.

    • AFK BRB ChocolateOP
      124 months ago

      Biden is actively pursuing a cease fire, while Trump literally said Israel needs to finish the job in Gaza. He also said Putin should be able to do what he wants in Ukraine.