One of 17 charter bus companies that Mayor Eric Adams sued for transporting busloads of asylum seekers to New York City has agreed to stop, for now.

The lawsuit charges the charter bus companies with violating New York’s Social Services Law by transporting the asylum seekers from Texas and leaving them in New York City without providing a means of support.

The mayor’s office announced Wednesday that Roadrunners Charters, Inc. will no longer bus migrants to New York City or the surrounding area while the case is pending.

    • @KoboldCoterie
      384 months ago

      It’s very easy for NY to go after the bus companies when they have a law on the books to use, and very difficult for a state to go after another state. It’s the fastest way for them to get results - if the bus companies think there’s more potential risk for doing it than they stand to gain, they’ll stop, it’s just business for them. It’s politics for Texas.

      • Neato
        394 months ago

        Yeah. The FBI should be doing after the states that are human trafficking.

      • TurtlePower
        24 months ago

        In that case, NY should just arrest the bus drivers and impound the busses. The bus company will feel that pinch REAL quick.

    • Flying Squid
      144 months ago

      Both should be taken to court. Texas couldn’t do it if the bus companies weren’t willing to participate.