Adding to the mountain of evidence that Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera on Thursday aired footage of what the news outlet reported was an Israeli drone targeting four Palestinians in Khan Younis last month.

Those killed by the unmanned aerial vehicle in the rubble of the southern Gaza city appear to be unarmed teenagers or young men. According to a translation of the coverage, they were not identified in the reporting.

Tariq Kenney-Shawa, Al-Shabaka’s U.S. policy fellow, said: “This is among the worst footage I’ve seen. Not only were these boys clearly unarmed and present no threat whatsoever, but they were struck multiple times even after stumbling/crawling away. There is no way they could have been considered combatants. This is unreal.”

      53 months ago

      I’ll tell you the nasty truth. You’re right, but if a politician ran a campaign to strip Israel of all their benefits of American Exceptionalism they will be crushed in the polls. They won’t just lose they will be decimated.


      Because despite what you say, many of those Jews you are referring to are actually Zionists once cutting off the hand that feeds their homeland is threatened.

      Non-Jews need to understand that unlike Christianity there is a level of identity politics steeped in nationalism, religion and culture are all so heavily intertwined it’s hard to break through. I’m speaking from experience. 3 of my kids are Jewish.

      I feel sorry for those sane Israelis that are powerless as their insanely right wing government kills any hope they have for a safe future thanks to destroying an already tenuous relationship with all their neighbours in the ME.

        33 months ago

        They won’t just lose they will be decimated.

        offtopic: “Decimated” means “reduced by 10%”, that is, multiplied by 0.9, that is, in the ancient Rome it meant “every 10th executed”. Seems closer to “just lose” than to “crushed in the polls”. While correcting people writing in their native language which isn’t mine is stupid, in this case the term is Roman, so.

          13 months ago

          Other meaning: “kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of.”

          The word has more than just one meaning of “reduction by 1/10”, even if that’s originally where the expression comes from. But im sure a smart guy as yourself already knew that.

            13 months ago

            In general how a word is used is what it means in the language, prescriptivism is cancer. I just felt that its original meaning is worth preserving too, and there are many ways to say “badly hurt”.

              13 months ago

              The only cancer is you going around trying to “correct” people when there’s nothing to correct.

              They used the word “decimated” accurately.

              You’re not preserving the original meaning. You’re just being an ass.

                3 months ago

                The only cancer is you going around trying to “correct” people when there’s nothing to correct.

                How does it feel to be such a moron that you can’t be bothered to look up the word “prescriptivism”, don’t know it, thus don’t get what you are answering and still decide to throw insults?

                You’re not preserving the original meaning. You’re just being an ass.

                What’s certain is that I don’t seek for evaluations of my actions and statements from apes who guess the meaning of words while having Internet access.

                EDIT: and guess the exact opposite at that

                  13 months ago

                  “While correcting people writing in their native language which isn’t mine is stupid, in this case the term is Roman, so.”

                  That is your quote. Moron. You fully admit you are trying to correct people.

                  But sure, try to make it about “prescriptivism” if that’s what you want you absolute clown.

      33 months ago

      The majority of US/UK jews are both pro-Israel and not against what is going on in Gaza

      I couldn’t find a worldwide survey but it doesn’t seem altogether unfair to conflate the jewish religion with the worldwide bastion of that religion any more than it would be wrong to conflate Catholics and the pope. This does NOT mean its ok to harm people based on what they believe. Adding to the sum total of harm does nothing to alleviate the suffering in Gaza.

          13 months ago

          The fact that Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion is confusing. Nobody should be condemned for the ethnicity they were born with. Religions are voluntary associations.

        23 months ago

        Israel isn’t any kind of bastion, Judaism doesn’t have a central authority like the Pope and those smaller ones it has are not in Israel.

      23 months ago

      Most Zionists are not Jews

      Where did you get this from? It sounds wrong to me. The early Zionist terrorist groups (Haganah, Lehi etc.) were singularly Jewish groups, with mass immigration of Jews to Palestine being one of their top priorities (getting the British and Palestinians out being another).

      To vote in the World Zionist Congress you have to be Jewish.

      Or maybe this is a question of definition- how do you define Zionists in this case?

          3 months ago

          Ok, now I see what you mean. Thanks.

          Edit: holy shit, yea.

          As early as mid-1895, Herzl described his expectation that in supporting the emigration of Jews, “anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies”.[2]

          The Israeli government’s alleged collaboration with antisemitic politicians abroad has been criticized as a manifestation of Zionist antisemitism, in that it seeks to highlight Jew-hatred in order to provide further incentive for Jewish immigration to Israel. In this context, anti-Zionists have criticized the Zionist movement’s alleged complicity with or capitulation to antisemitism since it gained traction in the 19th century, and some anti-Zionists have also categorized Zionism as a form of antisemitism. The Austrian-Jewish anti-Zionist writer Karl Kraus regarded antisemitism as the “essence” of the Zionist movement and used the label “Jewish antisemites” to describe Jews who identified as Zionists.[3]