So for the rest of this day, I’ll be getting texts from 17 other people responding to this prayer request.

Edit: Other than the initial flurry of hearts and replies pictured below, it’s actually been pretty quiet, thank goodness.

    • cheesymoonshadowOP
      33 months ago

      I vaguely remember asking my mom about this when I was younger. Mom was the religious leader of our family, and I considered her a good authority on the subject because she said she almost lost her faith in college and did her own research which led her back to God.

      She told me the act of prayer itself was a form of praise, an exercise of humility and deference to God. It doesn’t mean that God will change his mind; it just shows you’re humbling yourself before him and submitting to his will.

      It hardly makes sense to me now but I bought into it 100% at the time.

      • RandoCalrandian
        33 months ago

        Yup. They’re really good at rationalizing nice sounding bullshit to justify what they were already doing.

      • gregorum
        3 months ago

        it just shows you’re humbling yourself before him and submitting to his will.

        by asking him to change it to your will? pfft, typical self-serving, double-speak nonsense.