Probably the easiest and most boring of the relic grinds so far. This xpac the relics seem like an after thought. Where would you like to see the relic quests go? VC dungeons? New side content (I.e Eureka/Bozja? Eureka Orthos? Or stay at the time grind?

Just curious to hear other people’s thoughts.

  • nyashes
    2 years ago

    I like it not being tied to a subsystem I don’t care about. Like, I hate Palace of the dead knockoffs and am not convinced by the deep dungeon we got during EW, if I was forced to do either or both, I’d probably have a miserable time, while, when it’s tied to tomestones, at least I can just spam crystalline conflict and frontline for it, which is content I’m happy to participate in regardless of reward. Maybe the tomestone skin is a bit “gamey” for something that should be special, but the gameplay effect of “do what you like for your relic” should absolutely be preserved