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  • cowboycrustation [he/him]M
    83 months ago

    Not a terrible week. Was pretty bored and then I had a super busy day today outta nowhere. I finally saved up enough money to buy a bass guitar so I’m excited about that. Been having a lot of dysphoria lately, though. I accidentally injured my chest with binding tape so I had to have a couple of rest days from binding which sucked and I hated and I didn’t wanna go anywhere or see anyone because of that. And then the bottom half of my body…sigh.

    • Krrygon
      53 months ago

      Sorry you’ve had to go without binding for a bit dude, that’s no fun at all. Dysphoria blows, but it’s really cool that you’ll at least get to buy a bass soon and start learning! Playing guitar always makes me happy, hoping it will do the same for you