Leading barrister warns that the kit – used to support gender-questioning children – is likely to be in breach of equality laws and could violate pupils’ rights

Archived version: https://archive.ph/jT7GK

  • @AVincentInSpace
    13 months ago

    Suppose you want your child to come inside and they haven’t chosen their own name yet. What do you do?

    • FfaerieOxide
      13 months ago

      What do you do?

      Concede being trans is sinful?

      Oh wait no, that’s what you do.

      • @AVincentInSpace
        13 months ago

        Sweet fucking Lord. I already explained why I did that. I don’t believe it is, for the record, and you shouldn’t care what conservatives think is sinful either. Now stop digging through my post history for ad hominem attacks and state your fucking position.

        • FfaerieOxide
          13 months ago

          state your fucking position.

          I already did, and I don’t feel you are arguing in good enough faith—having been willing to concede being trans “is sinful”—to address you in any deeper detail.

          You jump on the name thing rather than seeing it as an outcrop of assigning sex and gender and then bitch about it in other threads using disingenuous descriptions that conflate the two but only address the later.