I’ve been seeing a worrying number of these people on Lemmy lately, sharing enlightened takes including but not limited to “voting for Biden is tantamount to fascism” and “the concept of an assigned gender, or even an assigned name, at birth is transphobic” and none of them seem to be interested in reading more than the first sentence of any of my comments before writing a reply.

More often than not they reply with a concern I addressed in the comment they’re replying to, without any explanation of why my argument was invalid. Some of them cannot even state their own position, instead simply repeatedly calling mine oppressive in some way.

It occurred to me just now that these interactions reminded me of nothing so much as an evangelical Christian I got into an argument with on Matrix a while ago, in which I met him 95% of the way, conceded that God might well be real and that being trans was sinful and tried to convince him not to tell that to every trans person he passed, and failed. I am 100% convinced he was trolling – in retrospect I’m pretty sure I could’ve built a municipal transport system by letting people ride on top of his goalposts (that’s what I get for picking a fight with a Christian at 2AM) – and the only reason I’m not convinced these leftists on Lemmy are trolls is the sheer fucking number of them.

I made this post and what felt like half the responses fell into this category. Am I going insane?

  • AVincentInSpaceOP
    11 months ago

    you unparalleled ally, you.

    You seem awfully hung up on that. Almost like you don’t have anything else on which to stake a claim.

    Sounds a bit like lack of faith to me.

    I’ve explained three times that, since what is and is not sinful is a matter of personal opinion, convincing a Christian who believes that being trans is sinful that it is not is, definitionally, impossible. Are you going to actually engage with that, or are you going to continue to hurl only-technically-not-insults in my general direction like a troll?

    • FfaerieOxide@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      You seem awfully hung up on that. Almost like you don’t have anything else on which to stake a claim.

      You are so good at knowing what’s good for marginalized groups, why do I even bother putting anything forward?

      • AVincentInSpaceOP
        11 months ago

        You quoted me saying you had nothing to argue against other than that one line five comments ago and then your rebuttal was continuing to get hung up on that same line. This is literally beyond parody.

        It’s blindingly obvious you’re a troll by this point, so I’m going to do something I should’ve done about 20 replies ago and block you.

        It’s kind of sad, really. Literally all you had to do to avoid this was to say “I do think it’s possible to change someone’s mind” and we could’ve had a civil discussion. You might even have changed mine. Guess we’ll never know.

        • FfaerieOxide@kbin.social
          11 months ago

          I’m not a troll.

          You just haven’t proven worth the effort of explaining things you’ve proven you’ll ignore.

          • AVincentInSpaceOP
            11 months ago

            I hope you heal someday. I hope you learn to recognize when people are willing to learn. I hope you learn to give people the benefit of the doubt instead of defaulting to treating everyone you meet as an enemy. I’m sure your past can’t have been easy, and I’m sorry that I can’t give more comfort, but I hope someday you can learn to trust again.

            Until then, try not to get in internet fights if you treat anyone with a different opinion than you like an enemy you have to defeat.

            I’ve been thinking about what you said, and I think you might be right about the not assigning genders at birth thing. I’m still not sure I’d call it a system of oppression, but letting people decide things for themselves is important. I’d very much like to talk about it more. But I cannot discuss it if you’re going to continue acting this way.

            I was lying earlier when I said I was going to block you. I wanted to see if you’d respond, and I’m glad you did, because it gave me an opportunity to see why you’ve been acting this way and extend an olive branch. I’d like to give you one more chance to sit down and talk about this rationally. You can tell me why you think what you think, and I can tell you why I think what I think, and together we can decide what the right path forward is. You do make some good points. My mind is ready to be changed, and if you’d just put the emotion away for a second I genuinely do think we can be friends.

            • FfaerieOxide@kbin.social
              11 months ago

              I was lying earlier when I said I was going to block you.

              You do alot of disingenuous things, don’t ya?

              • AVincentInSpaceOP
                11 months ago

                I really thought apologizing and telling you I was open to conversation would change your mind. Sad to see you really are just a troll.

                You’re blocked for real now. Have a nice life. You have no idea how glad I am that I will never have to read another one of your posts ever again.

                • FfaerieOxide@kbin.social
                  11 months ago

                  I really thought apologizing and telling you I was open to conversation would change your mind.

                  No you didn’t, or you wouldn’t have made a show of doing it publicly after claiming to block me to get the last word in didn’t work.

                  You haven’t been taking any of our engagements seriously and you’re trying to manipulate “public opinion” to appear as in the right.

                  Just like when you came across positions about assigning sex at birth you didn’t understand and when adversarial engagement didn’t maintain for you your status of "right’ and “good” you made this whiny subpost about leftists.

                  If I come of as trolly, it’s because you’ve continuously shown yourself to be disingenuous and not worth the effort I could make to lay out why your preconceived notions are incorrect—you’re just going to intentionally misunderstand and dismiss anything I tell you, so why bother?

                  Remember when you focused on an offhand comment about names and refused to address the larger issue of categorizing people knowing full well there would be cases that categorization was wrong?

                  Yeah, it’s just more worth my effort to be flippant.