I’ve seen many people take absolutists stances and throw accusations or insults at others who don’t. While I applaud that they recognized serious problems, I want everyone to understand why I might take actions that seem to ignore or even worsen those problems: I only have so much power and so many options, none of which are ideal, so I do the best I can with what I have. I might prioritize stopping one bad thing over stopping another; that’s not me excusing the other bad thing, that’s me playing the cards I have to get the least bad outcome.

Personally, I base my moral decisions on expected outcomes. I would pull the lever in the trolley problem. I understand some people think me a monster for that, and I certainly wouldn’t feel good pulling it, but I see it as me net saving people. I disagree with people that wouldn’t pull it, but I see where they’re coming from and I’m not mad at them (disappointed, maybe). Of course, as well as pulling the lever, there may be options to try helping the one person on the tracks, and we should definitely attempt such a rescue.

This whole topic can be applied to the do-i-vote-for-biden thing that this community seems divided over, but it’s much more broadly applicable too.

Anyway, this is just me saying that I don’t think the absolutist all-or-nothing approach some people take is a good idea, and I also don’t like when some of them call me a bad person for not doing the same.

  • Wahots
    10 months ago

    I agree. Onion article (below) about this made me laugh but also gives an aftertaste of dread if people stay home, and we end up with a dictator for a day who overstays his welcome by a decade or two.

    Pick and choose your battles, but don’t be a single issue voter or you bone everyone- left and right. A lot of rural communities depend on the social safetynet programs that urban places put in place, even if the rural places tend to try and curtail them. This election will be one of the most important since the civil war; We get to decide whether or not we still want the privilege of being a republic.

    American 18-year-olds stoked to vote in last presidential election - The Beaverton