That is a specific day to day scenario that makes sense to me for AI - finding new combinations of flavors by following some machine learning recommendation, especially if the intended application is to use AI to discover better vegan cheeses
I don’t think you really even need AI (in the sense of LLMs, as that’s usually what’s referred to with AI) for a flavor pairing software whatchamacallit. I forget what the concept is called but I learned about it through the flavor matrix. Where you essentially compare the different aromatic and flavor compounds in a given food/ingredient and base recommendations off of other foods with compatible compounds in them. A large enough database and a good UI would be a gamechanger for cooking
Yeah, machine learning is going to be great for the protein revolution. For Qorn they had to run thousands of experiments to find something that tasted good. Imagine if you can model millions of experiments and already weed out 98% of proteins…
That is a specific day to day scenario that makes sense to me for AI - finding new combinations of flavors by following some machine learning recommendation, especially if the intended application is to use AI to discover better vegan cheeses
I don’t think you really even need AI (in the sense of LLMs, as that’s usually what’s referred to with AI) for a flavor pairing software whatchamacallit. I forget what the concept is called but I learned about it through the flavor matrix. Where you essentially compare the different aromatic and flavor compounds in a given food/ingredient and base recommendations off of other foods with compatible compounds in them. A large enough database and a good UI would be a gamechanger for cooking
They probably don’t mean an LLM in this case, but rather some combination of statistical methods for determining under-explored flavor combinations
Yeah, machine learning is going to be great for the protein revolution. For Qorn they had to run thousands of experiments to find something that tasted good. Imagine if you can model millions of experiments and already weed out 98% of proteins…